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Saturday, January 30, 2010

My New White Coat

2 weeks ago, my new coat of Junior Doctor arrived !!!
1 week ago, went to "The Executive" grab some new formal wear for myself...
( I seriously lack of formal Top, Pants and Skirt !!! )
Here's some snapshot of myself with the New Coat ...

Taking photo in my room ...
It's been such a long long time I never wear formal clothes, pants and the leather shoes...
Usually, I wore Collar-T especially polo-T is my favorite during my campus life...
Even i have Observation program in the hospital, I still wear Polo-T + Baggy Pants + Sport Shoes ! Haha...
It's easier to wash and the most important , NO ironing ! NO hassle ! Save Electricity !

Oh Gosh, I just feel so uneasy appareling myself with the whole suit of formal wear.
The hot weather here almost drive me crazy !

At this moment, I give myself a temporary pass ( valid for 2 months ) deserting all the medical books and enjoy my sem break to the max !!!

After this holiday, I should study hard in room, work hard in hospital and striving hard to equip myself as a competence doctor in future.
Not like what I'm having now, Just the Covering without the actual essence inside.

Wish me luck !!!!

I hope my actual knowledge and skill deserved the white coat in the very near future ~

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


原本打算把以下的文字与上个blog 连接,写完了。。才发现自己写了那么多。而且,我真的很想与你们分享。。所以,就以另一个post呈现给你们。(记得要先参阅上个Post哦!)


最近都听到很多人说:“2010 年不是个好年。。你看,才年头,就发生了那么多不幸的事!最近报章上的报导不得不让我觉得心寒及叹息。

先是 Haiti 大地震,有人就以拯灾为名,趁火打劫为实,让整个情势更为恶劣,这些人真的是XXX 的!良心被狗叼掉了吗?后来就是槟城龙舟遇害事件,是我弟弟的朋友.再后来就是一个5岁女孩在电视机前手舞足蹈,就这样不小心地被这小小的21寸电视机砸死。到前几天,我听到了一个让我很心疼的消息。


,拥有一 个人人羡慕的老公,可说是世界最幸福的女人。才差那么一点点的时间,她就要毕业了,就将成为一个美丽能干的医生以及创造美好幸福的家庭。。。天算不如人 算,一夜之间她变成可怜的女人。她为了照顾他,选择了暂时停学。。。为了承担昂贵的医药费,原本属于他们俩的爱窝豪宅也考虑给便卖了。


,真的很 替她心疼,希望她真的可以振作起来,一阵子不见,难怪她憔悴了那么多。。。听说现在,她的先生正在 KL Stroke Rehab Centre 治疗着...而且其中一项治疗就是使用 Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. 我很高兴大马开始使用这种治疗 Apply在中风的病人,希望通过这种治疗可以大大提升他的康复几率.






The finale ! 最后的战役

As I mentioned in my previous blog "A day of waiting,沉闷的一天” , for this whole month, besides the KKR program which is obligated to participate, I still have another program which i need to accomplish before my semester break commenced - SPECIAL STUDY of SEM VII.

SPECIAL STUDY is a program which implemented with the objective of gaining more knowledge in the field where you are interested. You can choose the topic FREELY ! Therefore, in this semester VII, my topic is - HYPERBARIC OXYGEN THERAPY. which I found it was really really INTERESTING & AMAZING ( Amazed by the mightiness of this therapy ! hah ! )
Guess most of us not really familiar with this kind of therapy because it's a recently advancing medicine. Although it was invented 40 years ago, but it mostly utilized in the treatment of Decompression Sickness (DCS / Diver's Disease / The Bends) which describes a condition arising from the precipitation of dissolved gasses into bubbles inside the body on de-pressurization. DCS most commonly refers to the scuba diving hazard where you ascent from the bottom too rapidly. (wikipedia) DCS actually is not a common event world wide but it's rather common in the WORLD-FAMED HEAVEN of DIVING - BALI ISLAND !!!!

FYI, according to the world statistics, Malaysia have 5 centers of Hyperbaric Therapy Chamber. ( although it still not really common, but still not too bad, yeah ? )

The picture above, the interior view of the chamber... There are two beds inside, if the patient is mild cases, this chamber can fit the maximum of 7 people which you SIT inside ( NOT lying on the bed ) with a mask covered the mouth. It usually take 1.5 hours span in the chamber for those who dive frequently with the purpose to wash out the "silence" bubble in their body. For those who develop DCS , it may take up to 6 hours in the chamber. Of course, the chamber are well-equipped where u are allow to weewee inside the chamber. haha... !!!

The following picture, I'm learning how to moderate the controller. No joke for this, the pressure inside, the percentage of oxygen given, the time, the table... EVERYTHING ! must control precisely....

Of Course, Photo session is the thing i Would NEVER missed out !
It's really a Golden Opportunity to get myself involved in this as This Hyperbaric Medicine WON'T be a part of my Clinical years's Department.

From the outlook, does it look like a SUBMARINE ????

Just want to remind you all, although it's main indication is for the Diver's Sickness. But recent advancing research had shown that it can be a MIRACLE THERAPY in other field as well. This therapy can be an adjunctive treatment in many other field :
  1. Diabetic Gangrene
  2. Foot Ulcer
  3. Osteomyelitis ( Inflammation of bone and spinal cord )
  4. Post-trama /Burn Wound
  5. Rehabilitation in Stroke
  6. Sudden Deafness
  7. Skin Graft
  8. Beauties and Rejuvenating ! ( Be the specialist doctor in this field ! You will hv the chance to enter the chamber everyday to keep the patient in companion ! and the most important - Keep you pretty and young for FOC whilst saving people's life.. What a wonderful job ? haha...)
So, This Special Study is THE FINALE of the whole long 3.5 years of my theory year !!!! After the presentation exam of this topic on the next monday,
My holiday officially start at 2nd of FEB and have a jet home on 3rd of FEB !!!!! HOORAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

恨.爱 Already Gone

近期的我比较悠闲,除了每天需要在医院做 observation 之外,也没什么好忙的。无所事事,加上懒惰,便开始追看台湾偶像剧 - “海派甜心”由小猪与杨丞琳饰演。
在第十二集提到了 - 席慕容 这位作家的散文集。。。

当中出现在“海派甜心”里的散文集:七里香 - 卷六: 囚 - 如果

亲爱的朋友 我一无长物
然而 如果你愿意
我将立即使思念枯萎 断落

如果你愿意 我将
今生今世 永不再将你想起
除了 除了在有些个
因落泪而湿润的夜里 如果

看完了这些偶像剧,觉得自己还挺“废”的,无所谓啦。。。久久“废”一次。。。呵呵。。。也许进了 Clinical Year 都没机会“废”了

偶像剧总会让人发梦,盼望自己有个轰轰烈烈的爱情,又或者是可以遇见一个可以爱你爱得要生要死的人。尤其是《海派甜心〉里的“何言风”又或者是《下一站幸福〉“花托也” ,这两个角色都是扮演着痴情汉,纵使心里很清楚知道女主角依然深爱着男主角,还是心甘情愿,默默地守护在她们身边,做个名副其实的"救生圈”,奢望着奇迹出现的一天。夸张的是,在戏里他们都等待了分别10 年和6年的时间。太扯了吧? 在这世界上,我相信这样的人已经是绝种了,又或者是从来都不曾在现实生活中出现过。。。又或需是,出现了,那幸运的女主角一定是我。。。

最近得知身边的一位朋友,又再是因为远距离的问题而导致分手,这位朋友很伤心,因为她相信了那最不堪一击的承诺,她以为她在他的心目中是特别的,她天真的以为他会等待她的归来,到后来只是梦一场。原来他只是还没找到新的一个而已。她告诉我一句话:I come to a point, I don't want guys in my life anymore。太严重了吧?也许只是一时的伤心欲绝才说出这番话的吧?希望你可以继续活得更精彩,坚强地走下去。。。少了他的牵伴,更好啊。。。你可以更没顾虑地向你的梦想奔跑!!!(也是在告诉自己的话 =P )

我无法找出原稿然后将你 将你一笔抹去


just can't help myself from falling in love with this song
Kelly Clarkson - Already Gone

Remember all the things we wanted
Now all our memories, they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye
Even with our fists held high
It never would've worked out right
We were never meant for do or die

I didn't want us to burn out
I didn't come here to hold you
Now I can't stop

I want you to know that it doesn't matter
Where we take this road
Someone's gotta go
And I want you to know
You couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on
So I'm already gone

Looking at you makes it harder
But I know that you'll find another
That doesn't always make you want to cry
Started with a perfect kiss
Then we could feel the poison set in
Perfect couldn't keep this love alive
You know that I love you so
I love you enough to let you go

I want you to know that it doesn't matter
Where we take this road
Someone's gotta go
And I want you to know
You couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on
So I'm already gone

I'm already gone, already gone
You can't make it feel right
When you know that it's wrong
I'm already gone, already gone
There's no moving on
So I'm already gone

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

妈,我及格了!Defeat It Finally !

I defeat You - OSCE !!!
First and foremost ,
Thankyou Lord....Thankyou Jesus !!!

What's OSCE ? An abbreviation which I always trembled and my body inevitably sapless as I heard the word !

Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is a modern type of examination often used in health sciences (e.g. medicine, pharmacy, dentistry) to test clinical skill performance and competence in skills such as communication, clinical examination, medical procedures / prescription, joint mobilisation / manipulation techniques, and interpretation of results.

OSCE usually comprises a circuit of short (usual is 5–10 minutes ) stations, in which each candidate is examined on a one-to-one basis with one or two impartial examiner(s) and either real or simulated patients (actors). Candidates rotate through the stations, completing all the stations on their circuit.

OSCE would be held once in the end of each semester. For my semester 7 ( which was the LAST OSCE I need to encounter before the clinical years.. phew~ )

Station 1 - Medical Record (SOAP - Subjective, Objective, Assessment and Planning )
Station 2 - Pediatric ( Neonatal Resuscitation Procedure )
Station 3 - Anaesthesia ( Respiratory Failure )
Station 4 - Surgery ( Acute Appendicitis )
Station 5 - Skin ( Dermatology Management )

Only 5 minutes allocated for each station. Beside the knowledge and skill u have mastered, the most important is FAST + ACCURATE yet CALM !!!!! ( Which i always lack even I have well-mastered everything.. ) I don't know.... I always need some time to warm up before my brain start function ~

On the 29th DEC 2009, as usual...I started trembling as soon as the horrible bell rang up "RRRRIIINGGGGGGGGG" Time started counting, when i wrote the medical record... I still can remember vividly how I SMEARED over the paper, I just couldn't write it properly, my hand was insanely shivering and my mind was in total mess !

Proceed to the 2nd station, Not really calm down... I could feel my mouth was shuddering as i explained whilst performed the procedure of resuscitation.

Only came to the 3rd station, I managed to refrigerate myself and accordingly, the following station, I could performed with Full confidence and CALM.

THANK GOD !!!! I defeat it finally !!!!!!! How fervently i prayed yesterday before i got to sleep !!!! My hard work get paid in the end... Thank you Thank you Jesus !!!!

The most important thing is -
I can enjoy the FULL HOLIDAY without the need to come back earlier just for the remedial !!!
An exhilarating news , yeah ?


其实当考试一结束,我的心里担心得要命,因为总觉得第一个Station 因紧张的关系,表现得不好。这OSCE考试,即使你的总分加起来是及格的.(及格=70分或以上)但是,一旦Flunk在其中一个Station,也就是等于FAIL.不管你的总平均分有多好.

当天考完式,参加朋友的生日会,一直都闷闷不乐,当我听到一些朋友们说他们的Diagnosis跟我的不一样,说我对那个Case的判断是错误时,我心情更糟...简直糟透了!!(这OSCE是根据Circuit, 而我拿到较早的circuit,较后面Circuit的朋友们都拿到考试的Tips了,而且听说他们也彻彻底底地讨论这Case的Diagnosis是什么了.)而我,还来不及好好地思考,就得进入考场.

那时真的很心里不平衡,为何我总是缺少那么一点点的运气??这考试,即使你是武装俱全,也需要东风的支配才能获胜.所谓的东风就是临场的表现,遇到的考官是否严厉,还有他们看你顺不顺眼,等等.在那时候,我又再开始怨天尤人了...为何我总是那个不幸运的?之前在第六个学期也曾FaiL 过一次,就因为遇到的考官太严厉了,对我的要求很苛刻,导致不及格,眼见表现比我不理想的朋友也能过关,我真的是心里很不平衡!!还有一次,在第三个学期,就因为那考官听不懂我的英语,竟然就这样FaiL 了我...真的把我气砸了!!!



听完朋友一番话后,我的心里真的是平复了很多,也平衡了很多... (哈哈...).虽然如此,昨天知道成绩将在今天揭晓后,还是难掩心中的忧虑. 一早,就收到简讯“your Station 1:Medical Record Not OK..”真的很谢谢这位朋友用比较弯转的方式告诉我不及格的消息。过后知道我的分数竟然只差分就及格了,原本在医院上课的我立刻请辞跑去学院会负责我的考卷纸的医生。检查之下,原来她真的是少改给我一个Point,少给我一分。真的是很感谢主,无论是实力,幸运还是侥幸,结论就是我终于过关了!!!

终于,我可以松了一口气,好好的享受 before 进 clinical years 的最后一个假期 (因为整个长达一年半的clinical years是没假期的,比工作还要惨,一星期工作6天,每天8小时,有时还要上夜班就变成30小时工作,又没薪水拿。。。还要挨骂。。。oopsss...我又开始complain的毛病了。。。)其实,还蛮期待clinical years 的啦。。。哈哈。。。期待第一次做医生的滋味(虽然只是实习而已)但是,

此时此刻的我,当然是最期待回家啦 !

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

岜厘岛之^^Water bloW^^

It's been a considerable of time since last i posted about my enjoyable moment in Bali
Here , Another scene which may take your breath away


Guys, HOLD your Breath , Please !!!!

WOW ! WOW !! WOW !!!
Such a Super-GREAT SplashHhH ...!!!!!!

Tew and Cheok RISK THEIR LIFE by standing just few meters away from the water "BLOWING" area ...

( Actually there was a sign of "Dangerous Area" before you entering the area, i think thy had overlooked the warning board...haha..! Really a good shot though ! I should try that next time...hehe... ShhHhh... Pls Don't tell my parents *Silence* )

WOW ! The water Blowing 3X higher than men's height !
Even with the umbrella in hand, thy were ALL-IN-WET !!!

Another view from the water blowing area :
I love the Dark blue colour of the Sea and the old-age delicated Rock.
Is very sunny that day ( 27.07.09 ) , My skin get tanned immediately...

Here, The water blowing area...
It's hard to capture the peak of water "blowing" scene because need precise estimation between the time of "blowing" and the time you press the "capture" button on your camera.
Each "blowing" take around few seconds once in every few minutes...

The best time to capture the fascinated view is ApriL - November
Not now... ( dec & Jan ) Raining season....

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Charlie, Stop Kissing Me !!!

No matter how i perished it asap as i saw it...
Still, I couldn't get rid myself from the fate of get kissing by You ( charlie ! ). The lesion just cropped up as i arose from my bed 2 days ago.

It's been the 2nd time i got bitten by this pesky charlie !
As the consequence, it gave a displeasing appearance on the flexion side of my body region. =.=""

From the picture above,
( Left pic ) The Pus on the erythematous ( reddish ) surface on my upper arm.
( Right pic ) The Crusted lesion of the ruptured-Pus on the flexion side of my neck.
Yes ! The predisposing Site of this nettlesome insect is the FLEXION region of our body

Thus, i just browsed through some websites searching info about this insect.

The snippet of info which i got from the website :
-Common name of this insect : Rove Beetle
-Species Name : Paederus Fuscipes Curtis
-Malay Name : Semut Semai / Kayap ; Charlie etc.

It's carnivorous and eat smaller insect and usually they habitate in paddy field. During the heavy rains, the beetle will migrate to drier areas ( Check ! Bali is having the raining season a.t.m. )

The Haemolymph ( blood and lymph ) in the entire body of this Beetle contain the most poisonous animal contact toxin ( namely, Pederin ) in the world !!!! And this toxin will cause Paederus ( Rove Beetle ) Dermatitis ( Infection of the skin ) !!!!! ( Like me )
Thank God, It doesn't afflicted the mucosa area or my eyes.. because the result might devastastating ! No Joke !!!

It's very contagious...The lesion may arise as you contact collided with this beetle or simply touching those who having the bitten lesion. Don't touch me !!!! As you touch the lesion accidentally, please wash your hand with soup and water IMMEDIATELY !!!!

Penang people , pls take a note ! Do not overlooking this matter because according to the website, it's been affected high rise flat dwellers and dormitory student in Penang.

Since the beetle is attracted to lights at night, switch off the light...
( Left pic ) The Insecticide Spray - GOOD & EFFECTIVE !!!! ( Thanks to Li Yun lending me the spray )
( Right Pic ) Don't use Steroid Paste as It's USELESS and VIRTUALLY NOT effective !!!! Worse still, may leave scars ~

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A day of WaitinG 沉闷的一天

不知不觉,所有 Theory 及 PracticaL 的考试都结束了。。。
不知不觉,我已学完了关于医学所有该懂的知识及各种不同疾病,人体构造,治疗 等等。

这个月,从 30 Dec 2009 - 2 Feb 2010 将会有一个 program - KKR (我不知道它到底stand for 什么 =P).KKR 主要目的是要让我们去early expose to the Hospital Life, 熟悉医院的环境以及运作, 也让我们了解一个实习医生该以及不该做的事情.

我被篇排在 E Group.

4th-5th Jan 2010, 我被篇排到 OBGYN ( 妇产科部门)

早上十点,就收到消息说有一位孕妇还没到生产期就出现了下体流血 ( Anterpartum Bleeding) 的Case.由于这是Emergency Case, 需要Stabilize 病人先,我们才可以为病人做访问(Anamnesis) .当然,我们这些碍手碍脚的Pre-clinical medical student 理所当然的要"闪"一边 在旁守候.




这位孕妇就是在这房间里急救着,叫做 Kamar Isolasi ( Isolation Room )

只有机会学习怎样运作这个Machine ( Cardiotocography) -测量胎里的婴儿(Fetus ),他/她的心跳以及母亲子宫( Uterus )的Contraction Rate.
这位孕妇只有32星期,还未到37星期(正常的生产期).所以,需要密切的留意随时会有出血的情形发生因为她被诊断出胎盘位置不正确的症状.(Placenta Previa )

After the case, I just felt so exhausted and frus without any apparent reason..Might be tired of waiting ??? I don't know... I think the only reason which could explain this is - the whole month we only need to do observation in the hospital without any evaluation. No evaluation = No catalyst which trigger me to study... And my mind just overwhelmed by the feeling of going home... which is still have 27 days left...... I'm so eager to go home......My sweet sweet home...

Due to the sadness which i had felt inexplicably, therefore i decided to get myself some nice drink as a reward.Also, attempting to stimulate more dopamine and serotonin into my brain to cheer up myself ~

So, I went to Dunkin' Donuts' ( Yes, the Well-known Dunkin is located inside the hospital, cool right ? ) I bought a cup of Ice chocolate which cost me Rp22,500 ( RM 8 ) , rather expensive for me actually and it's Not really nice....kinda disappointing.... made me even more depress..... T.T

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Letter 给你的一封信

It's A Long Post I know... It's been quite some time since last I blogged a lengthy post. Be patience until you finish, alright ? =)

2010 年的到来,
这几天,我都一直那么的Full Of Spirit
请别打沉我的Spirit, 好吗?
我 不再纸上谈兵 而是实际的实行我想做的一切


一直很努力的学习关心你 在意你
你 可以选择放弃

因为它的保存期限 只有在说出的那一瞬间生效
所以 我只相信 行动

During the New Year eve, I went for the church service. At the end of the service, Ps. Wayan asked all of us to write down 5 visions we want to accomplish in the year of 2010 on a piece of paper . Next, put it into a basket and we prayed for our vision...

What caught me in a surprise was the list which i had written down. I thought i would put my love life in the 1st place. In fact, it ranked no.5 ( which was the last one ) in my list. I just wrote it instinctively without a second thought...But i dare not to assure that. I was perplexed.. A lot of question marks flooded into my mind : Am i trying to deny it ? Am I trying to suppress my feeling and put my love life at the last place in purpose? or It's really genuinely from my heart ? No matter how....It's a good sign ,isn't it ? What's wrong if i put my family,God and my future in the 1st place ? I just found out i have plenty to achieve before the love life...

Recently confiding with a number of friends, the topic just couldn't out of the track of worrying about the love life. Especially for those who study medicine, being so worried that they couldn't find any partner in the future because of the stigma of guys would run away when thy heard that you are studying medicine. Yes, I used to think the same as they do.

But after being so inspired by some of my other friends especially my sweetie ( thanks Sweetie keep elated me ) my perception changed, I still have 2 years to complete my degree as a doctor. So, What is more important at the time being ? Of course , is my Future , My live as A DOCTOR ? do you agree ? If I still so obsessed in something which ruin my happiness , If i rushed into a relationship just because i'm lonely and get hurt, why don't just spare myself the pain and focus on something more wealth worthy? Love life is Nothing if you compare with this - Imagining those people who in the stake of life and you save them !

May be I'm still young , enough courageous in mustering this kind of opinion.but I utterly believed in God, I knew Jesus have had a plan to everyone one of us. At this moment, maybe i should just focus on my clinical years as a junior doctor, enriched myself with knowlegde, sharpening my skill and become a better person in the sense of personality and mind-set. Whilst, Live faithfully and awaiting my Mr.Right come to my world. I believe it.

You have to get ready yourself, before you get ready to have a partner of your life. If you still not yet ready in any sense, how could you expect your partner come to your life ???

similarly, You should able to love yourself , take care yourself and treasure yourself before you able to love your partner, concern your partner and clasped your partner in arms whenever they are tripped ... Agree ?

Some meaningful sermon from a forwarded email :
  • Live for today , as tomorrow is promised to no-one

  • Never save something "special" for a "special occasion" as everyday is a "special occasion" for us...

  • Spend more time with your family and love your family every day even more. Believed that your "true Love" always surrounding you..

  • Life should be a source of experience to live up to but Not to survive through

Sounds Optimistic huh ??? Hopefully i can keep this spirit perpetuate and leap with joy every single day !!!!!

One last opinion needed from you guyz.... The photo above is one of my high school ( PCGHS ) senior named Gwen Lu . She gain a high reputation in Asia and currently continue her courier as a model in Paris. Cool ? Stunt ? Astonish ? Really Happy and Proud of her !!!!!!
女生,不一定只有爱情,也可以干一番惊人的成就哦 !!!!

Oh yeah... almost forgot my original intention abt you guyz opinion... I'm thinking cut my hair short before officially start my clinical years... The above photo is one my reference what my hairstyle going to be.... what do u thk ???? Or It would be better if I just keep my long hair unchanged ???? If you ask me why...
  1. because of my hair loss problem in Bali
  2. The weather in Bali is damn hot and clinical years need to wear formally with the white coat, I will suffocate, I thk..
  3. Just bored with my old hairstyle and wanna give myself a bash !!!!
Pls don't be stingy in leaving me a comment, ok ? =P

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