一如往常的早上七点,Resident Doctor 及 Junior Doctor 陆陆续续的走进麻醉部门的 Meeting Hall。知道今天是“大怪物”医生主持的 Morning Report,每个人都绷紧了神经。终于,大怪物出现了,一进门就爆轰医生们。他说,“昨天我发现这个 Hall 有不少垃圾以及手术的 Mask。为何会这样?不是你们这班人,还会有谁呢?我现在命令你们,立刻把你们身边大大小小的包包,所有东西搬离这个Hall,不要污染我的 Hall, 我的生命会受到威胁!!!"
(这样生命也能受到威胁?大怪物的免疫系统及生命还蛮脆弱的吧?^%$&*@# )
我们所有大小医生只好把身边的书包全部丢进图书馆。然后,Morning Report 就这样继续。不到十五分钟,大怪物忽然间手指指向我,说,“You... Out !!!" 我心里顿时下了一大跳,我没讲话,也没打瞌睡啊,而且这还是我第一次那么的全神贯注去听 Morning report. 我错愕了一下,他又再说,“Is You..! You don't understand English ? I said.. OUT !!!!" 就这样,很丢脸的,在众目睽睽之下 (那边总共有六十几个医生)被赶了出去。我只能傻傻地坐在等候厅,等着被审判。Morning Report 完毕,我就硬着头皮去见他,他说,“你知道你犯错了什么吗?”,我摇头。他说,“刚才的morning report,为何你翘脚的姿势坐着?你知道这样是不对的吗?我不知道你们大马是不是有这样的习俗,但是在这里 is a different culture. 如果你要翘脚 ,回去你的国家才这样做。在这里是不准的。”
( wth ? 我只不过是女生姿势的翘脚坐姿,这样也踩到了怪物的尾巴?之后,我询问了这里的 Locals, 他们都说这里并没有说翘脚是不礼貌的啊。。。他们也叫我"santai.." ( 安慰我,叫我relax..cool down.)
3。Literature Writing 被退回:
见完大怪物后,匆匆忙忙地赶去 print 文章,然后去 ICU 会见另一个医生, Dr. A.
Dr.A 才翻了几页,就说,“ I told you the topic is - Electrolyte Management in post cardiac Arrest care ,right ? why you wrote all the normal physiology of electrolyte? "
我急忙解释,“ No..doctor, because i'm thinking to introduce the basic of electrolyte first ,then only talk about how's the electrolyte can influence the post cardiac arrest..."
他即说,“这你给谁看?我是博士了,我不需懂这些basic, 而你呢,你也是junior doctor 了,不是也懂 basic 了吗?为何在 literature writing 还要介绍 basic? 如果你要 basic, 那么你回去读 semester 2 吧!!”
乓!乓!乓!我又中抢了。而且,ICU 是很安静的,他的volume 又那么高,我又再次“成功”的吸引全场的目光,所有 Specialist, Resident Doctor, Junior Doctor及nurse,还有病人家属全部看过来。。。我真的是很想挖个老鼠坑让我钻进去。
我低着头,背部弯着的," Yes, doctor. Sorry for troubling you, Doctor."
( 天啊,我真的是要崩溃了!要成为医生的道路真的那么难?越来越觉得自己怎么那么的渺小,那么的不被重视,那么的不被珍惜,那么的微不足道。。。觉得自己像只老鼠。。过街老鼠,人人喊打)
我垂头丧气地走出 ICU, 就立刻受到朋友的简讯,“wei...aeris..where are you ? why are you not in operating theater ? Dr. XXX (那只大怪物)was checking our attendance here and he found that you are missing ..he is looking for you...faster come ... faster come.." 就这样我又气喘呼呼地赶到手术室。然后向他解释我的“失踪”。。。当然的,又是被喷到一脸臭屁。
然后,我就被派入 Follow 其中一个 Operation.我是戴着 Mask and Cap的。怎么知道,这样也被其它麻醉医生认了出来。。他们就开我的玩笑说,“ Out...!!! hahaha......" 然后,外科医生看不懂他们的玩笑,这麻醉医生就帮我“发扬光大”说,“他就是刚才被赶出去的咯。。haha.... ”虽是开玩笑,但我的心情又是怎样呢?
天啊。。!!!我终于红了也!!But In the Bad Way.. =(
6. 就这样,搞了整天。。。发现刚才赶着去Print 的时候,把 Pendrive 遗留在那儿。。幸好情形还没糟透,放工后去领回幸好还在那儿。
写到这儿,发泄够了,时间也浪费够了。。。是时候纠正我的文章,还有读书。。。 oh my gosh, 考试又接近了。。但天天都很忙,怎么有时间读书啊?
一如往常的早上七点,Resident Doctor 及 Junior Doctor 陆陆续续的走进麻醉部门的 Meeting Hall。知道今天是“大怪物”医生主持的 Morning Report,每个人都绷紧了神经。终于,大怪物出现了,一进门就爆轰医生们。他说,“昨天我发现这个 Hall 有不少垃圾以及手术的 Mask。为何会这样?不是你们这班人,还会有谁呢?我现在命令你们,立刻把你们身边大大小小的包包,所有东西搬离这个Hall,不要污染我的 Hall, 我的生命会受到威胁!!!"
(这样生命也能受到威胁?大怪物的免疫系统及生命还蛮脆弱的吧?^%$&*@# )
我们所有大小医生只好把身边的书包全部丢进图书馆。然后,Morning Report 就这样继续。不到十五分钟,大怪物忽然间手指指向我,说,“You... Out !!!" 我心里顿时下了一大跳,我没讲话,也没打瞌睡啊,而且这还是我第一次那么的全神贯注去听 Morning report. 我错愕了一下,他又再说,“Is You..! You don't understand English ? I said.. OUT !!!!" 就这样,很丢脸的,在众目睽睽之下 (那边总共有六十几个医生)被赶了出去。我只能傻傻地坐在等候厅,等着被审判。Morning Report 完毕,我就硬着头皮去见他,他说,“你知道你犯错了什么吗?”,我摇头。他说,“刚才的morning report,为何你翘脚的姿势坐着?你知道这样是不对的吗?我不知道你们大马是不是有这样的习俗,但是在这里 is a different culture. 如果你要翘脚 ,回去你的国家才这样做。在这里是不准的。”
( wth ? 我只不过是女生姿势的翘脚坐姿,这样也踩到了怪物的尾巴?之后,我询问了这里的 Locals, 他们都说这里并没有说翘脚是不礼貌的啊。。。他们也叫我"santai.." ( 安慰我,叫我relax..cool down.)
3。Literature Writing 被退回:
见完大怪物后,匆匆忙忙地赶去 print 文章,然后去 ICU 会见另一个医生, Dr. A.
Dr.A 才翻了几页,就说,“ I told you the topic is - Electrolyte Management in post cardiac Arrest care ,right ? why you wrote all the normal physiology of electrolyte? "
我急忙解释,“ No..doctor, because i'm thinking to introduce the basic of electrolyte first ,then only talk about how's the electrolyte can influence the post cardiac arrest..."
他即说,“这你给谁看?我是博士了,我不需懂这些basic, 而你呢,你也是junior doctor 了,不是也懂 basic 了吗?为何在 literature writing 还要介绍 basic? 如果你要 basic, 那么你回去读 semester 2 吧!!”
乓!乓!乓!我又中抢了。而且,ICU 是很安静的,他的volume 又那么高,我又再次“成功”的吸引全场的目光,所有 Specialist, Resident Doctor, Junior Doctor及nurse,还有病人家属全部看过来。。。我真的是很想挖个老鼠坑让我钻进去。
我低着头,背部弯着的," Yes, doctor. Sorry for troubling you, Doctor."
( 天啊,我真的是要崩溃了!要成为医生的道路真的那么难?越来越觉得自己怎么那么的渺小,那么的不被重视,那么的不被珍惜,那么的微不足道。。。觉得自己像只老鼠。。过街老鼠,人人喊打)
我垂头丧气地走出 ICU, 就立刻受到朋友的简讯,“wei...aeris..where are you ? why are you not in operating theater ? Dr. XXX (那只大怪物)was checking our attendance here and he found that you are missing ..he is looking for you...faster come ... faster come.." 就这样我又气喘呼呼地赶到手术室。然后向他解释我的“失踪”。。。当然的,又是被喷到一脸臭屁。
然后,我就被派入 Follow 其中一个 Operation.我是戴着 Mask and Cap的。怎么知道,这样也被其它麻醉医生认了出来。。他们就开我的玩笑说,“ Out...!!! hahaha......" 然后,外科医生看不懂他们的玩笑,这麻醉医生就帮我“发扬光大”说,“他就是刚才被赶出去的咯。。haha.... ”虽是开玩笑,但我的心情又是怎样呢?
天啊。。!!!我终于红了也!!But In the Bad Way.. =(
6. 就这样,搞了整天。。。发现刚才赶着去Print 的时候,把 Pendrive 遗留在那儿。。幸好情形还没糟透,放工后去领回幸好还在那儿。

I have had enough
真的好可怜,如果我是你我的心理打击也会很大,不过我会坚强熬过这样倒霉的一天的。Aeris 加油!你能的!Malaysia boleh kau lagi boleh! Don't give up!
ReplyDelete原本我的心情也很低落的,工作那里很不顺利,时常都被骂,虽然现在我已经跟她们同阶级了,可是我还是不能出声,因为我之前是trainee的时候就一直被她们责骂,那时候我告诉自己:我是trsinee, 凡事我都要忍!到最后的结果是:她们越讲就越过分!而我的现今职位显然也对她们起不了什么命令!!
Karen, yupe...thanks alot... we hv to gambatte 2gether... !!!
ReplyDeleteAh Bao, Thanks alot... you are telling the same thing as wat my mum shared with me .. i thoroughly understand,juz sometime i will tired and need a place to vent out..=) after ventin out, recharge my battery and continue the journey.Thanks alot for the support
Poor thing, I really feel like slapping the monster! >.< Don't be sad over what happened, just ignore those insensitive people. You can't change that, but you can change the future, and don't let the past affect that. Think positive! =) Go go go!
ReplyDeletethanks darling.. i wont be too pessimistic.don worry.Im good.. juz i wanna complain my life is so dull and colorless... I thk most probably bcoz of the enviroment here.. no close frens and thy are not taking us as their ppl.. so sad. Working condition is really a main determinant wic affect my enthusiasm to bcome a doctor. Whn i met good doctor or mates, i really enjoy it.but most of the time, is the opposite one... sigh
ReplyDeletethanks darling.. i wont be too pessimistic.don worry.Im good.. juz i wanna complain my life is so dull and colorless... I thk most probably bcoz of the enviroment here.. no close frens and thy are not taking us as their ppl.. so sad. Working condition is really a main determinant wic affect my enthusiasm to bcome a doctor. Whn i met good doctor or mates, i really enjoy it.but most of the time, is the opposite one... sigh
ReplyDeletethanks darling.. i wont be too pessimistic.don worry.Im good.. juz i wanna complain my life is so dull and colorless... I thk most probably bcoz of the enviroment here.. no close frens and thy are not taking us as their ppl.. so sad. Working condition is really a main determinant wic affect my enthusiasm to bcome a doctor. Whn i met good doctor or mates, i really enjoy it.but most of the time, is the opposite one... sigh
ReplyDeletethanks darling.. i wont be too pessimistic.don worry.Im good.. juz i wanna complain my life is so dull and colorless... I thk most probably bcoz of the enviroment here.. no close frens and thy are not taking us as their ppl.. so sad. Working condition is really a main determinant wic affect my enthusiasm to bcome a doctor. Whn i met good doctor or mates, i really enjoy it.but most of the time, is the opposite one... sigh
dear, i know u really had a hard time there and i'm so proud of u that u still continuing the journey to reach ur ultimate goal... can foresee a bright future awaiting for u... 没经历过黑暗,又怎会知道光明的可贵呢?让我们一起加油吧~~~
ReplyDeletethanks my dear.. Im waiting for my bright future too... you too, gambatte the life in singapore ya !!!