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Monday, April 26, 2010

Bid Goodbye With a Smile

5.49pm Sunday 2010,
I’m sitting at the seat number 7A in the aircraft MAS, with the netbook on my hand and blogging. Another 30minutes to reach Denpasar, Bali.
Very soon my one week holiday been fly away and this is the time where I have to face the brutal reality – back to Bali and continue my senior clerkship. My next lab would be Neurology Department .It’s interesting yet tough enough to strain your neck…I wish that I wouldn’t get suffocated and be able to sniff some fresh air throughout the whole lab. *Finger-crossed*

The One last word before bidding goodbye with my papa and mama,“ be courageous !”
Courageous - which i always lack off....
I have been back and fro for 3 times in only 2months time. Really ridiculous and wasting money..! ( I'm pointing myself )
I would like to apologize to my lovely parents for spending such a vast amount of money on me and the flight ticket. Thanks alot for the pampered ! I love you both so much~

Manage to grab some photos when I was flying frm Penang to KL for a stopover.
Top Left : Pulau Jerejak ( just opposite Queensbay Mall )
Top Right : Penang Bridge
Bottom : Random picture in the sky..... ^^^



今天第一天在脑科部门就得到 Emergency Department stand-by. 真的很好笑,我是已 Zero Knowledge 去到那部门的,可是情形还 OK...至少病人家属问我病人情形及导致原因,我都能很有自信回答他们 (就凭着在 theory year 的知识印象回答他们咯。。。)
好像我的 doctor 说的,

爸爸妈妈,您们放心,我会带着骄傲毕业回来,好让你们引我为傲 !!!

我很开心在这短短一星期的假期有机会和爸爸一起去看《初恋红豆冰〉。原本我并没抱太大的希望去欣赏这部戏,但是看完后,真的感动得让我流泪,很有意思! 真的很值得鼓励的一部本地制作。阿牛,你真的行! 李心洁,影后不愧是影后,真的很喜欢这部戏...没有像台湾戏剧般的装饰,也没有华丽的服装,但它们就是胜在够真诚!而且很多的拍摄角度都蛮艺术的,真的对导演阿牛刮目相看。


在这脑科部门,将会很累。。。因为每三天就得 Jaga 一次 (就是说站岗 30 小时)

I'm glad that i have had preoccupied by all the medical stuff and learning enthusiasm in the hospital although my clinical years is just a beginning. At the moment, I don't have extra time to think of something trifle and nonsense, and then spoil my mood.

I fervently hope that my passion and affection towards patients and medicine field are not infatuated but truely,deeply rooted from the bottom of my heart.


  1. u guys are lucky, our hospital setting wont have much cases to experience.

    nice blog , jia you in clinical years.

  2. 老实说,我很享受现在的生活,我不想回家...我喜欢一个人在外过活,很自由!!

  3. Thong hoe khin : Hi, thanks for the compliment. U study medicine too ? do u hv blog ? Nice to meet you.... =)
    you jia you too !!!!!

    Karen : whn u bec to Malaysia den ? u goin graduate soon,rite ??? will get much freedom whn staying out of home...but sometime jz so lonely especially whn u need support

  4. Nice write up there. Assurance and courage are words which u needed the most .
    Anyway , take care f yourself . ;)


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