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Thursday, May 27, 2010

一公升の眼泪 :等死的感觉?

Buva, " Aeris,please take over this patient and keep close observation every 30 minutes.."
Aeris, " What's the diagnosis of this patient ? "
Buva, " ALS ( Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis ) "
Aeris, ( wow...竟然让我遇上了那么罕见的病)" So... what should we do to help this patient ?"
Buva, " It seem he had suffered these for 5 years... So Now we just waiting him for IMPENDING RESPIRATORY FAILURE.. "
Aeris, ( Har?? 等待他无法呼吸然后宣布死亡?),"Oh gosh... just waiting him to die?"
Buva, " Yes... observe him every 30minutes until he respiratory failure... "


顿时让我想起日本一部很感动的真人真事 - 《一公升の眼泪》

Medic Corner :

肌萎缩侧索硬化症( amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,ALS)是一种运动神经元病.

多于30~50岁发病,以上肢周围性瘫痪 ,下肢中枢性瘫痪,上下运动神经元混合性、对称性损害为特点。表现为受累部位肌肉萎缩。通常以手肌无力、萎缩(爪形手)为首发症状,逐步蔓延到对侧。缓慢 起病 ,呈进行性发展,多无感觉障碍。

身体如同被逐渐冻住一样,俗称“渐冻人”。病程晚期出现球麻痹,表现为舌肌萎缩和震颤,后组颅神经受损出现构音不清、吞咽 困难,饮水呛咳等。常因呼吸困难、肺部感染、全身衰竭而死亡。本病自然病程平均约3年左右,进展快者发病1年内死亡,病程进展慢者可持续10年左右。

Aeris, " Why this patient still here ( Emergency Room ) ? he should admitted to ICU ,right ?"
Buva, " The patient's family refuse... what to do ?"
Aeris (我立刻很懊恼的再次询问)," Why ? Did the doctor gave consent about the severity of the disease to the patient's family ?"
Buva, " Yes.. the doctor did. But the patient's family explained that ICU is too expensive for them and they can't afford.. so.. thy just decided to wait here until he pass away "
听完朋友的解释后,我的脑中只浮现两个字 - “无奈”
到了凌晨两点,他已开始陷入昏迷状态(coma )。。。



在岜厘岛开始实习后,其实已经看过了很多 Cases 都是因为没钱而没得到最好/最快的治疗而导致死亡。
尤其是在这脑科部门,如果病人是中风的话,每分每秒都是生存与否的关键时刻,这里有太多的零碎手续得处理。就比如说,不管病人的病情有多严重或是命在旦夕,病人家属一定要先去 register, 然后我们这些医务人员才会“开工”,然后需要的药物,病人的家属得需自己去医院的 Pharmacy 部门买药,然后我们才能开始给病人打针施药。

还记得有一次,我遇到一个中风的病人,已是不省人事,加上体温竟是 40.1 Celcius, 然后医生开药单给家人去买药而医生吩咐我施药。 等了15分钟,还不见家人把药交给我,我便走上去问,看见他们还有说有笑的,只回答我,“oh... di pharmacy sana masih ditunnggu giliran..” 我真的是给这里的 system 给气炸了!!! 病人家属又缺少知识,不知他们的家人已是很严重,还在那边谈笑自如。。。我真的是“无言”,只有我一个人在那儿着急,怎么药怎么久还没买到?
我能等,但是那病人无法等啊........................!!!!! *&R%^$#@#$*)^

Wednesday, May 26, 2010



也谢谢你,ck , 与我分享这篇文章。。。

如果兩個人分手之 後我不再見你並大聲說我恨你,那說明我不捨得離開你

分手時,沉默是最好 的問題,最圓滿的答案.
1. 不要問:為什麼要分手.
  愛過如何,未愛過又如 何,總之這一刻就是不愛.
  愛不是講對錯,而是講感覺.相愛是談情,不是講理.當愛的感覺已經不存 在,
  何必逼對方,再一次侮辱你,打 擊你的自信心.
愛是最美好的記憶.愛過了,曾經擁有過了,就要學會知足, 何必為難對方,讓曾經的美好變了味道.讓她/他曾經給過的溫柔成為孤獨時溫暖自己的美妙的回憶.回憶是美麗的…

P/s : 你要坚强哦。。。对不起,我不能常常陪伴你开解你,希望你现在过得好。。。也真的很感激你,在我最孤单的时候给我电话。。。我真的很感动。*想你*

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Status Update



Sunday, May 9, 2010

Thankyou, Mama

Albeit of the hectic and stressful life I'm facing at the moment, but MOTHER's DAY is a DAY which would never ever dismissed from my mind.

It's been the 4th year i unable to celebrate Mother's Day with my lovely mum. Is kinda sad actually... I just ringed up my mum, and when i heard my mum's voice , the tears just automatically falling down out of the edge of my eyes. I felt warm and touched when i heard my family's voice and i just realised how much i miss them...

The whole week i was occupied with tones of stuff in hospital and alots of things happened... almost back-stabbed by some cunning one, and Thanks God, that's always some "Angel" beside me, salvaging me from the brink of impuissance. Therefore, my condition is still not that bad and I really grateful and thankful to those friends who lend me their helping hand and fight against the unjust or impugnable circumstances.

On the previous week i had total of three Oncall ( which means 30 hours of working), and frankly speaking, i still not really adapt to this kind of life.. Each time back from hospital, i could feel a thrust of relief, relief from exhaustion, relief from some political issues, relief from stress, relief from all the smell and bacteria that smothering the hospital. After the relief, usually would be followed by the great sense of LONELINESS inevitably croped into my heart and i was strive hard to suppress this feeling to a negligible level and avoid to think of family.

Yep, Family is the source of my strength, but then when i think of how i was pampered at home and it's contrasting considerably to the situation i am facing, I'll weep. and Nowadays, I HATE weeping. So, it drive me not to think about my family too often. Come to the end of week, I ringed home, the bottled up feeling just burst out and I was collapsed... Don't worry, I'm OK now ( after venting out everything.. )

Another thing i wanna mention here, is my NEW MOTOR !!!! ( is secondhand thou ). After a month of clinical life here, I just found that bicycle not really work out and thus decided to get a secondhand motor for the clinical life. Again, HEARTFELT-GRATITUDE to my parents paid out the money for me to get a motor here. Truely speaking, Is indeed GREAT to have a motor here, at least every time on the way back from hospital , i don't need to cycle and leg sore by the time i reach home. Moreover, I still can take bike during raining days ( but if bicycle , i definitely can't do so) or hunting for some good foods a lil bit further from my dorm's area other than the boring-daily-nasi goreng. Also, when i was free, i can just ride it to the seaside, enjoying the sunset/ sunrise, go swimming, surfing, playing tennis or jogging whenever i loved to. My life getting LESS miserable after having a motor here.


Thankyou Jesus giving such a GREAT and WONDERFUL PAPA AND MAMA.




I remember you every time I fall. I remember you everytime I cry. I remember you everytime I am in pain. I remember you everytime I am hungry,

I miss the coffee / tea that you brewed for me during my exam, and i miss the way you pamper me everytime im in stress or busy with exam...You settle everything for me and what i have to do is just focus on studying. BUT now, i have to settle everything on my own no matter how tired and busy i am

I remember you every moment of my life.
Without you i am nothing.I am proud to be the daughter of a great mother like you.Thank you mom to make me good human and everything you have done for me …

and I wanna said, SORRY , mum.

I'm sorry that sometime i disappoint you, being impolite at you, vent out the frustration on you or the tempestuous behavior..although your words it seem like scolding or angry of me, but i know deep inside your heart, you are always forgiving me and your heart are aching over my childishness and inconsiderate behavior. Again, SORRY.

“The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.”

Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,

Hundreds of bees in the purple clover,

Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,

But only one mother the wide world over

Thanks to my parents always sacrifice themselves giving me the best and live in clover. And now, I had grown up and leave the cozy shelter to face the violent storm and thunder outside.
Sometime i will blame, Sometime i will complain, Sometime i will frus and depress,
But I will always remember is YOU, my mum and dad, who will always be there for me, empowering me and always support me, give me the real strength within even after countless of heart broken, countless of disappoinment... They will always love me with their life.
and I'll Make YOU PROUD in the very near future

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Facing A Dying Patient

My 1st week in neurology department is Blur-ing, Hectic-ing and Exhausting especially when i was allocated to the front-line - The emergency department of Neurology.

Not going to elaborate much as i still have tons of book awaiting me to read them. Phew~~ seriously don't have time to study, every day just busy with hospital work and during back home, i had thoroughly exhausted, I could still directly fall into sleep right after a cup of coffee, or I should try 2/3 cups instead ?

Still have alot to catch up... and I still stuck in Physical Examination of Neuro ONLY. =.="""

Sharing my 1st experience of facing a dying patient in the ward of neurology with you guyz...
I was ALONE with NO seniors and doctors ,observing all the patients under that ward. ( around 20 patients. ) ohya, with nurses of course... but most of the nurse went to sleep , left 1 nurse who was alert.

Around 1.00am, when i was checking the vital signs of Patient A, I was informed by the husband of Patient B that his wife feeling Short of Breath.

I went to check the Oxygen concentration level of the oxygen tank which delivered to her through nasal cannula, i had been increase to an optimal concentration but the patient still suffering from short of Breath. Immediately, i went to inform nurse and doctor, after checking on that patient, the doctor asked me to go and rest.

When i was just about entering the dream of fantasy, awaken by the nurse and she said the patient was fever and asked me to check for her vital sign ( pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate and temperature ) , with the eyes hardly opened, I tried to feel the patient's pulse, was weak, and I was trying to get her blood pressure reading... hardly heard any sound via the stethoscope, my heart start pounding rapily, felt some imminent bad things would happen.
As soon as i thought, the patient husband shout , "Doctor, look...the chest stop moving !" 1st thing come to mind, " Oh my gosh..." after checking the pupil reflex and heart sound, i faster ran to get the doctor .

When I came with the doctor, I saw nurse came along with the ECG monitoring machine and the resuscitation Bag. Doctor asked me to fit the ECG on the patient and check for her heart rhythm. At first it still had some residual rhythm of heart beat, but soon followed by the high-pitched sound "dee----------" After observation of 5 minutes, the doctors declared the patient had passed away.

The husband looked calm, he just said "she been struggling for over 35 years, she said she was tired and wanna go to heaven very soon and asked me to take out the ring from the ring finger. It happens now...... " Soon, he kissed his beloved wife forehead, nose, and mouth... and their children cried devastating....


When i think about that incident, I felt guilty as I didn't do any resuscitation procedure like CPR. I think I should do it although the doctor didn't instruct me to do so. I understand that even If I do the CPR , it might not help the patient though but still at least i had tried my best, right ? At least we do something optimally before the patient died. That's why I felt so guilty, this feeling still haunting in my heart although it happened few days ago...

Morning when the senior came, I told them, and most of them said, " nevermind... 1st time what... just take it as experience, 2nd time would be better... "

Yupe, 2nd time would be better...!!!!

Yestersay I was on-duty at the front-line again, most of the patients came with critical condition with the risk of impending death... so scary... It seem like that's a RULE that everyday there must be at least 1 patient died in the neurology department and sadly, i felt some of the doctors already take it as a norm as they won't have too much emotion when facing a dying patient.

After the whole night of "jaga" in the front line, It was tiring and thank God i switched to "jaga" at the ward of stroke of the hospital when the dawn announced. Duty in the ward is easier and less hectic, most of my work is just observing the patient condition, injecting some drugs, do some physical examination on them.

This is the photo which i taken this morning when i met a lady and her husband who contracted from stroke. When i was doing physical examination on her husband, the lady took out her video cam and record , feeling nervous at that moment actually.. and after that, she requested to take photo with us.

In the stroke center of this hospital, we are required to wear the not-really-sterile blue coat and sandals before entering the ward...

and tomorrow, sunday, jaga again at night shift.... how to squeeze out the time to study while i always need to go hospital all the while from monday to saturday????? and Even sunday???? God knows..... =((((

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