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Thursday, May 1, 2014

You're my destiny

If I’m allowed once again
If I could see you again
Inside my past memories
Inside that pain
I call you
You’re my destiny, you are
You’re my destiny, you are
You’re my everything
I only look at you as
I call out to you silently
You’re the one my love, you are
You’re the one my love, you are
You’re my delight of all
You are my love
Come to my side
If you still love me
The tears in my eyes
want you
I love you
You’re my destiny, you are
You’re my destiny, you are
You’re my everything
The thing that
hasn’t changed
is my love for you
You’re the one my love, you are
You’re the one my love, you are
You’re my delight of all
Even if the world changes, do you
know that I will only love you?
My destiny
I call out to you


Friday, November 11, 2011

When an Urbanite Intrude the Village - Part I

After a very long pause, finally I made myself to start blogging again. Realizing that human tend to lost the momentum once they stop engaging in something for too long. Striving so hard, I beat down the lazy worm which crept in my heart and decide to write this post.

Ok, back to the topic. I completed the clinical part of medicine, and currently attending a social work, namely --> Pre-Graduate Course (PGC). Participating in this PGC is a MUST for all the medical students in this university. PGC is a community/public-health care program, where all the students will be allocated to different village of a particular state - Kintamani, identifying the major problem in the village, stay with them and give them a helping hand to achieve not only about health, but biologically-psychologically-socially better life.

When i first heard about these, my reflex is like "WHhhhat ??? Village again ???" No matter you willing or not, all of us must follow this program. This program last for 5 weeks. 

1st week - briefing about this program and training regarding the disaster emergency life support. I like the training, it was pretty cool !! one of the doctor who taught us had the experience of saving people life in Israel War. Really salute him, what a great experience he gained !!

2nd - 4th week - Is here to telling you about my "kampung" life or we should said "back to the nature" life or "back to ancient" life ?? 

5th week - Report and presentation.

So now, here we go....

After a 2 hours journey by riding the motor bike, we reached there finally ! the village ( Manikliyu Village) located at the hill, the air was fresh and cool, during the night it was brooded by the heavy mist.

The picture below is the 1st place where we supposed to stay, the environment is indeed a little bit "uh-hum".

Our mind flooded with the same thought --> how about we just go to stay in a hotel nearby ?

 This is the Manikliyu Village Assembly Hall
that equally "uh-hum" too.

This is the toilet which provided

Maybe our "uh-hum" and all those complains was too loud and it spread to the head of the village. He arranged another better refuge for us. At last, we stay in the villagers' house, we call him as "pak De". Pak De and his family are hospitable, he gave out his son's and a guest room for us to stay. Although it looked abit dirty and dusty, but i would like to say, Thankyou God, We are so BLESSED. Comparing to other friends from the other village, this is one of the best retreat i could said.

The following picture is the front side view of the room, a small hut, a small pond, and Pak De's 4-wheel Rocky !!

Pak De fetched us by using his Rocky  roaming around the plantation. He owns four plantations and harvest twice a year.

The source of water supply and the hygiene of the toilet are the primary problem of the village. Chronically, they do not have a proper piping system, and the source of water rely on the rain. The thing that often drag my head off everyday was the cleanliness of the toilet !!! I have to withstand the "cleanliness" of the toilet each time doing showering. The lack of awareness is the thing that we need to take note and educate them. Food-borne and water-borne disease often rooted from here.

Apart from those i mentioned above, it is a down-to-earth approach to experience the tranquility and serenity of village life, a good escape from hustle-bustle of the city life !!!

They lead rather a simple life over here, arise at 5 in the morning, go to the estate at 7am. Come home at 5pm and rest at 9pm. We have nothing much to do there, mostly morning activities, and therefore we also adapting ourselves to their life. I break my record, I ever slept at 8pm !!! Can't believe it !!!

The villagers told us that they only eat the chicken that they rear by themselves. Usually it took 6-8 months for the chicken to grow big enough to be slaughtered. I have a chance to witness the process of a chicken get slaughtered, although it was not the first time i witness something like this, yet the high-pitched sound of the chicken's screaming still spook me much.

One of those day, Pak De ferried us to a river nearby and ask whether we bring shampoo along. A question mark crop up --> why we need to bring shampoo along ? After asking further, we turned into shock, OMG !!! He was expecting us to take bath in the river !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course, we wouldn't want to take bath in the river. We just playing water beside the river and “enjoying" the scene of some naked show. Hahaha...!!!

Another thing i would like to share is the term "NGIDU". Pak De's wife taught us the word. People staying on the hill in order to gain warm by burning the firewood in the night, and by putting hands near the firewood called --> Ngidu. 

Pak De's Wife is a superb nice lady, she work from morning to the night. ( Even more hardworking then her husband... kekeke.) She boils water for us to drink every morning and evening, off to farm, cooks meals, doing household, all by herself. She cooked something called Bubur Sago for us to try. Erm... a bit salty for me, but i still want to send my greatest gratitude to her. She really so lovely......

We really spend a great time there...

We were tasting the "bubur Sago" while enjoying "Ngidu" with the "Ibu".

Everyday comes to the afternoon, we will go to the tourist spot nearby --> The famous Kintamani Volcano. It just 15 minutes driving and we hunt for some good food. We try different restaurants, different buffet everyday, and it indeed wear off my pocket and make me put on weight as well. >.<"""
Guess my parents going to kill me.... LOL

Well, guess it is lengthy enough, I should end my 1st part, hope you are not falling asleep. =P

2nd part coming soon. =)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


80 年代的我们,小时候与堂兄弟姐妹最爱玩的就是 "masak-masak" (家家饭)。

上个星期飞回大马度假与亲戚们聚餐时,见到我们的“下一代”聚在一起玩的是--> iPad.
眼见四,五岁的小孩们手上拿的不是玩具,而是 iPad !!
看看他们那么认真专注的眼神,还有“废寝忘食”的态度,可见 iPad 或是 Tablet 的魔力是多么的利害 !!

我们这一般 80 年代的“长辈们” 只能感叹
不知Toy'Rus 会不会生意越来越差呢? 呵呵。。。

上个星期天在机场 等候中途专机时,看见别人的小孩也玩着 iPad ! 
真是 iPad 横行的时代了!



唯一让人扫兴的是原来在岜厘岛麦当劳白咖啡竟然是  -->  Black Coffee + dairy milk ????
他们应该真正去了解什么是真正的白咖啡!! 而不是随便加了一些 Dairy milk 就叫做白咖啡。。。 真是我的天哪~~~~ 打烂麦当劳的名誉!  >.<"""

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Bali Airport : The Boarding Lounge

This is what happened in Bali Airport Boarding Lounge on 20 August 2011 when i was flying back to Malaysia for 1 week holiday.

We called it a "lounge" but sarcastically, NO place to sit.. I saw the westerners just sit on the floor dis-pleasingly.
At first, i quite resist to sit on the floor, but after a 15 minutes of standing, i just gave up and sit on the floor, waiting the time to board. 

15 minutes later, few tourists who came from China ( how i know they came from China ? from their strong accent of mandarin ) stepped forward to the security counter and complained. 
"It's only 8.30 pm, and the departure time is 9.30 pm, how can you let us sit on the floor for an hour ? why don't just let us wait inside ?"

Finally, after a 10 minutes of negotiating, the security guide allowed us to enter and wait...
Awww... what a day ? 
It's a shame for Bali Airport while they made the tourists forced to sit on the floor.

Why things always need to complain only improved ? They should take it into consideration before it happened, moreover, Bali is world's well-known tourist spot, Don't do such stupid mistake !!
Is kind of sad while i heard alot of friend complaining about Bali's service and everything after they had their vacation there.

Expecting too high Brings Disappointment


大家好,真的是好久没更新我的部落格了。不是很忙,只是很懒。 =P
这次乡下服务的地点位于 Kerambitan,Bali. 我们的目标是 --> Sekolah Dasar Timpag ( Timpag 小学)

首先,我和我的一组朋友一起制作了一些关于急救的 小册子, 原来制作一本小册子是那么艰难的,而且我们也需要确定所记载在这本小册子的咨询时正确的,以便可以传授正确的知识给这些小朋友们。

我们用 slide show 的方式先解释一遍给小朋友们听。



经过了slide show presentation 以及简单的测试题,当然是开始实习啦!!

当然要来一张大合照 以做纪念,这是我第一次担当人类灵魂工程师的角色,而且又是在岜离岛,这样的经验是第一次,也有可能是最后一次,所以我觉得特别有意思。




第一次担任人类灵魂工程师,还蛮好玩的!也开始了解为何老师们可以那么的伟大,还有老师们那么热忱于教育界。就比如说我的妈妈好了,她是一名教师,自小我都不明白为何她总是为小学同学们大动肝火,原来是真的是在乎他们在学业上的进步才如此懊恼,我时常都觉得她自找的辛苦,呵呵。。。 虽然如此,她还是时常鼓励我长大后选择做老师,她一直都跟我说做老师多好多好,我都不以为然,最后选择了做医生。


最近看到报纸说大马要大量栽培新一代的人类灵魂工程师,希望不是空穴之谈。希望真的可以好好造就下一代,懂得欣赏以及珍惜人才,这样国家才会进步。(这是我在印尼就读后,深深体会的。。不是践踏这国家,只是这里好的教授实在少之又少。。。不好的老师,真的会教导出不好的学生,不好的学生又怎么能使国家进步呢?) 所以老师真的扮演这举足轻重的角色。

人们都说,当你越老了就会越像你们的父母亲,我开始慢慢体会到了,我对这般学生们还蛮苛刻地(就像我的妈妈一样 =P),尤其是在实习的时候,当小朋友们做得差不多“有模有样”了,我的朋友就“放过"了他们,而我就是那个反对放过他们的讨厌鬼。。哈哈。。。我会要求他们重来直到他们真正的了解后,我才肯放过他们。那些小同学都说我很 "galak" (凶的意思),当然之后我还是会与他们打成一片以避免他们真的“讨厌”我。。。 =)

有时候,真的觉得 Everything happen for a reason, 如果不是老天爷的安排,让政府派我到这里求学,我就无法体会乡下如此的生活,一开始真的很不习惯这里的一切,看到这里落伍的一切真的很令人沮丧。。日子久了,就会觉得 Everything happen for a reason..没有这些苦日子,我就不会珍惜现在所拥有的一切。

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